Giving to Belen Jesuit

The Advancement Office at Belen Jesuit strives to raise funds and other resources to support the academic, capital and endowment needs of the school. These goals are accomplished through the Fund for Belen, Gala Dinner, Fr. Izquierdo Memorial Golf Classic, Tombola and other special events and planned giving programs. The department also communicates the school's mission, vision and activities to parents, alumni, students and the general public through this website, the alumni magazine, email and the media. Parent volunteer and alumni activities are also coordinated through this department.

All donations to Belen Jesuit, regardless of the size, make a difference in so many ways and so many lives. They have provided the gift of a Belen Jesuit education to many young men for whom it would not have otherwise been economically possible. Each generation has benefited from the generosity of the generations that went before it, and through continued fundraising efforts, many more generations will benefit as well. Keeping up with inflation, paying faculty and staff just wages, maintaining facilities, meeting the challenges of technology and, most importantly, providing this education to all who desire are just a few of the challenges and motivations that keep us focused on the need to raise money. Charitable gifts to Belen Jesuit Preparatory School are wise investments in the current and future education of our children and our communities.

The President’s Report provides an overview of the school and acknowledges the exceptional financial contributions of members of our community. We also honor our faculty, alumni, and sponsors and are grateful to our devoted parents.

The Belen Jesuit fiscal year runs from August 1 through July 31.
Find the best way that you can help keep the gift of Belen Jesuit alive for the young men of today as well the ones that will follow them," said Felipe Fernandez. 

Contact Us

List of 3 members.

  • Photo of Felipe Fernandez

    Mr. Felipe Fernandez 94

    Executive Director of Advancement and Alumni Relations
    (786) 621-4102
  • Photo of Aida Fernandez-Magarino

    Mrs. Aida Fernandez-Magarino 

    Data & Special Projects Manager
    (786) 621-4665
  • Photo of Jorge Perez-Alvarez

    Mr. Jorge Perez-Alvarez 76

    Director of Giving
    (786) 621-4625
500 SW 127th Avenue, Miami, FL 33184
phone: 305.223.8600 | fax: 305.227.2565 | email:
Belen Jesuit Preparatory School was founded in 1854 in Havana, Cuba by Queen Isabel II of Spain.  The task of educating students was assigned to the priests and brothers of the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits), whose teaching tradition is synonymous with academic excellence and spiritual discipline.  In 1961, the new political regime of Cuba confiscated the School property and expelled the Jesuit faculty.  The School was re-established in Miami the same year, and over the next decade, continued to grow.  Today, Belen Jesuit sits on a 30-acre site in western Dade County, only minutes away from downtown Miami.